Saturday, March 31, 2007

3 weeks down, 1 to go

Well, 3 weeks of prac finished and only 1 more to go, and this week is a short week. We have Friday off.
The past three weeks have been crazy. Very busy but also very rewarding. I really do love teaching. This incoming week i am in charge of everything. Planning and teaching the whole week and unit of Easter. I have it all figured out, it is just now a matter of making up the plans. On Friday when i went into class, one of the little boys came up and gave me a picture he had drawn and on it, it says, you are the nicest teacher ive ever met. Which was surprising because he isn't one of the best kids in the class, meaning i am always calling on him to be quite and pay attention. But hey i guess that proves you just never know what is going on in someones head.
For the past two weekends, I have made sure that I have done something fun. That way i don't feel like it is always about school....i am suppose to be enjoying myself also right!!
Last weekend I went to the Symbio Wildlife Gardens. It was amazing we got to feed Kangaroo's and pet a Koala. We also got to see some interesting animals, I think i had seem all of them before, but it was nice to see them again!! As for this weekend, we were suppose to go to the Nan Tien Temple. It is the largest temple in the Southern Hemisphere. But we just had SO much fun on Friday night, that we didn't make it there in the am. As for Friday night, it was Aimee's birthday so we had a BBQ over at Christy and Matt's place first and then headed to the pub around 10:30. At that point we met up with the usual Canadian Gang....drank a little more took some crazy pictures. We ended up down at the beach. We were just going to sit around and chat, but then Tim and I decided it was time to go in. So we waded around in shallow waters for a while. Then Devon and lindsay decided to join so we all ended up fully in the water. The boys went in, in their boxers, while Lindsay and I went in fully clothed!! It was right FUN!! Which just proves that teachers can have fun.....I wonder how many teacher's are closet alcoholics....Enjoy the pics.

Lindsay and Tim on the water!!
Me, Tim and Lindsay on the beach

Devon getting ready for a swim!!

Tim going for Devon's butt....only cause there is a beer in his poket!
Sarah and Tim outside the Kebab's shop!
Devon eating his "Amazing" kebab on the beach

Mel and I on our way to the beach after the pub
Kyle, Mel and Devon on our way to the beach....ah if only your students could see you now Devon!!
Lindsay and her broken purse.....

Lindsay and I @ North Gong pub....after a few drinks
I think it was Devon's mission to be in as many pics as possible!!
Devon, Ashley and Kyle @ North Gong Pub

Not really sure.....clearly too many drinks were had by all!!!
Me, Kyle, Ashley, Jen and poor Devon.....ah he loved it!!

Erin and I after a few drinks @ North Gong Pub!
Erin, Kelly and I @ North Gong pub
Sarah, Kyle and Lindsay @ North Gong pub

Christy double fistin' it @ North Gong Pub
Amy D, calling Chris over...."come on chris"
I am on my tippy toes and she is bending down....Sarah and Christy @ North Gong
Amy and Tim...running on empty!

Aimee and Amy....@ north gong
Sarah and Tim @ North gong
Jen, Ashley and I @ North Gong
Ashley and I @ north Gong pub!

Devon and I @ North Gong
Amy and Tim @ North Gong
TEAM WOONONA!!! (where we do our prac)
Me, Georgina and Devon

Patti S and I on the way to the pub
Tim, Ashley, and Devon @ the North Gong Pub
Lindsay, Ashley, Jen, Devon and I at the North Gong Pub

Christy, Lindsay, Patti, Aimee and I @ Christy's for Aimee's birthday
Poor Patti, passed out before we even left for the bar!

Aimee and I on our walk to the pub

Casey and Aimee playing Beer Pong
Kelly and Chris playing beer pong

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hindu Temple

When we were taking the bus back to the train st {from Symbio} we drove past this temple. The pictures don't do it justice. I was beautiful.

Our trip to Symbio Wildlife Garden. March 24th, 2007

Helensburgh Train st. {where the zoo is}
Train station
Ashley M and Lindsay on our way back to Wollongong
Ashley passed out on train

Grey Kangaroo's

Kyle with some kind of beast
cool little lizzard
pretty flowers found all over the garden's